A Tangled Mess

Today I had a huge knot in my hair.

Not the kind you can easily comb out.
It was like an all out strand fight between my whole head of long hair.

The freezing temps this week made sure that I secured a hat and static electricity came along for the ride. My hair doesn’t agree to this type of harassment so this trend climaxed on my head last night while slept and resulted in a massive knot today. Even though I’ve clearly brushed my hair every other day, my hair decided to call it quits today and give up.

After working on the knots for quite some time and being pressed to leave the house, I decided to just cut the knot out.

It was causing such a mess and ruining my time. After all it’s just hair and who needs it to be cut evenly right?!

No, I didn’t do that.

That would’ve been really dumb. Yes a few hairs were sacrificed in the process of the knot becoming untangled, but it eventually worked out and I left the house with combed hair all intact.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m such a mess that God can’t do anything with me.

Surely He’s got more important things to move onto than to deal with me getting entangled in life’s messes again.

I feel like it would be easy to see me in my “bad hair day” state and for God to say,”Woah woah woah! Let’s cut her out! It’s too much! I can’t handle this!”.

Yet, I find Him drawing closer in my messy moments. The moments when my heart is breaking and I feel like there’s no way out but to cut the knot. He’s there untangling the pieces and unraveling my hurt heart.

It’s so beautiful. This work of grace. He doesn’t deal with order and straight lines and perfect strands of hair like I do.

He deals in love. And He deals in mercy. And brings restoration.

He doesn’t leave me in my tangled mess. He restores my soul and gives me hope.

Question(s) of the day;

Do you see your mess or His ability to save you from your mess?

He hasn’t given up or cut you off…ask for forgiveness and allow Him to transform your heart.

Scripture(s) of the day;

There is hope for your future–Jeremiah 31:17

I will be your God throughout your lifetime–until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.–Isaiah 46:4

Worship song of the day;

Worship Circle originally wrote this song I believe, but I LOVE “You Have Redeemed My Soul”. Here’s a listen to a longer worship set singing about thankfulness of what God has done with this song included :)


#giveup40 Day #4

Love this…

jesus stood with me

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