Whole Foods (awkward couple are center ) but isn’t the store just beautiful?? *sighs*
Author Archives: Bailey Kuert
Day #13 Open or Closed?
Today was a day where I could rest and get organized yet I didn’t want to stay inside all day. I went by a local produce place that is NEVER open and has no signs of their hours of operations. I thought 2pm on a Saturday would be a good time to swing by…apparently not. I then made my way to the Antique store where my employer has a booth. I ended up spending nearly an hour talking with one of the sweet ladies that owns the shop. I’ve known her daughter from my trips here before. She has the sweetest spirit and great testimonies of God’s love and faithfulness. It encouraged my heart. I’d hoped to find some antique skeleton keys, but I will have to just settle for a Hobby Lobby kind (Lord willing I’ll find one in Birmingham tomorrow). I then decided that since it was nearly 3:45 that I should just grab lunch while I was out. I have been cooking almost every lunch and dinner and am a little tired of it (and all the moms groan because I don’t know what’s in store! haha). I went to the first place on my mind and walked right on it, just to see that there were no lights on and the chairs were all up on the tables. I quickly backed out of the entrance and out the door hoping to leave unseen. There were only a few cars out front, but I’d assumed that was normal given the time of day. Apparently this proves my theory that most people in the south leave their doors open…even when their business is closed. I have yet to really try this theory out because my other theory is that most people in the south also have guns! So for now, I’ll stick with knocking on doors. Speaking of, I went to take my next-door neighbor some food I had made earlier and knocked on her door. There were two cooked hamburger patties on a plate sitting on a chair outside her door, so I just knew she was somewhere near. I hesitated after two knocks and went back to my apartment. I heard her come back so I went over again. She laughed at my previous attempt and said next time I should just come on in and yell for her. She and I had a great conversation of how Jesus set her free from meth, cocaine, and cigarettes. She is a single mom right now and one who is SO in love with Jesus! It’s beautiful to see and I rejoiced with her. Back to my lunch…I did end up getting some “to-go” food from a restaurant here. I’ve learned that many buildings here have tin roofs and my cell phone doesn’t work in those places (not that it strongly works anywhere here).
The good news is that due to my trip to Buttahatchee last night, I now know of a GREAT CLEAN Texaco gas station. I filled up on gas that was $3.69/gallon verses the $3.79 in Hamilton. When I bought my car three years ago this month, gas was $1.89/gallon in Colorado Springs. I’m just saying!!
Tomorrow I am really excited about going to Birmingham. I am hoping to attend David Platt’s church who is the author of “Radical”. I always look forward to visiting new churches to see more expressions of the Body of Christ. I know this church is doing a lot for the kingdom, so I’m anticipating good things in worshipping with them. I then will be doing a variety of errands but ending with a run to WHOLE FOODS!!!! My body is kicking me for the food I’ve eaten the past three weeks!
Pray that I don’t have too much of a culture shock in the big city and that I don’t apply my country driving skills to Birmingham. Joking.
Day 12-Buttahatchee BBQ, Lost Phone, & Deleted Blog
First of all, in exciting news…I HAVE INTERNET IN MY APARTMENT!!!! In Bad news, I spent an hour or so writing my new blog and with one small click BAM it was gone. I had previously said how I had been typing my blog every night on my phone and how it took me forever. NOW I wish I had typed it on my phone where it would have stayed. Anyway, in having internet this means no more clinging to windows to receive calls from Africa or being so frustrated with my phone. Well phoneS. I have inherited a new phone and computer, both of which are Apple products. I own a PC and an Android phone personally. I definitely still prefer my Android over iPhone, but I don’t mind the computer. The real problem comes down to the fact that I am both right and left brained. I am very linear in my strategic planning and analyzing of things, but I am random in my thinking style and communication approach (hence the way I write). I like the structure of Mac OS at times and how everyone’s iPhones operate the same way, however I love the creativity and freedom to customize my Android and navigate Windows OS. All I know is I do miss the “delete” button when I am on my Macbook. They have a “delete” button formerly known as “backspace” to most PCs. Honestly though I am glad that I am getting more familiar with Mac OS. It reminds me of learning to drive a manual transmission on my first car so that now I can drive in most situations. One day I’m sure I’ll have the opportunity overseas to drive a standard on the “wrong” side of the road.
So you can imagine that carrying two phones around can get a little tricky depending on where I am. For instance today I ran an errand and took a call on my personal phone, while leaving my work phone in the car when I returned. Then when I left the office this evening, I got all the way home before realizing I didn’t have my personal phone (no worries, I live in Hamilton and was back at the office in 3 minutes). When I got to the office I called my personal phone, my Android, from the office phone because of course I left my work phone in the car! Whew I am confusing myself! When I called my Android I could hear and feel it vibrate but I could not find it anywhere. We are in the process of packing up the office for our move, and I was looking everywhere. After some time, I went and grabbed my work cell for to call for back up before I lost my mind. As I made the second phone call, I decided to do something that I had not done before and that was to lay on the floor to see if I saw anywhere it could have slid. With my face pressed against the hardwood, I then saw a small area under one of the filing drawers where it could have gone. I reached my hand under there with much hesitation of the unknown because of what seemed like eternal darkness (yes I am a little dramatic, but you never know what hiding)…and there is was! My phone! I am telling you that story not solely so you can laugh with me (or at my expense), but to make this point. Much like in the Kingdom of God, there is a principle that we are to seek and keep seeking until we find God. There is a promise to seeking, and that is you will find Him when you seek with all of your heart. Sometimes you may not feel like you can hear Him clear enough to pin point things exactly, but as you keep seeking you’ll find Him. In order to find precious things in His kingdom, you’ll have to be willing to do things that you’ve never before by getting low and humble before Him. And sometimes reaching into the depths of darkness (either the lost and hurting or broken places in your heart) you are able to find the most precious promises. Be relentless in your pursuit to find treasures in His kingdom. I was not going to leave the office today until I found my phone because it meant so much to me. I couldn’t hear it clear enough to tell exactly where it was, but I had a general idea. I pursued until I found it. May there be grace for you to seek and find the things your heart has desired in Him.
On the Small Town side of things, I went to Buttahatchee BBQ tonight for dinner. There is a river in Hamilton named, “The Buttahatchee River”. There is Guest Book when you come in, which I have definitely never seen before in a restaurant. I signed it of course (picture below). When the waitress took our drinks she asked me, “Would you like sweet tea?” since that is the norm around here. I ordered my usual water with lemon instead. Buttahatchee BBQ has a guest book, which I signed of course! Their cheeseburgers are $3 which I feel is very economically friendly :-) I joked that at that price I was certain that it was not grass-fed organic meat (WHOLE FOODS I MISS YOU!!!)
I like always, was at Walmart today, but this time to utilize my “ATM” by the “cash back” option. My bank, Chase, doesn’t even have a location in the state of Alabama. I will be taking a trip to Birmingham this weekend and I’m ready for some big city scenery.