Author Archives: Bailey Kuert

If you like fried Catfish, I bet you could make a good argument to get the cheaper price that you can still see. #handwritten #businesstips

I made sure to sign the Guest Book!!

The spot where the phone was found

Day 11-I Am That Girl…

Today is a blog post of random pictures I’ve taken from here in Hamilton. Yes I am THAT GIRL running around and taking pictures of random things here. I feel like a tourist taking pictures of things no one would think of doing (like the cardboard cutout judge). I’m ready at any moment to stop on the side of the road, climb hills, go to farms, and creep on people. Ok, all but the last happen. Well kind of…there is a man on a riding lawnmower that had no idea I’m sure. I may only be using my cell phone, but I might just be Hamilton’s new town photographer! For bookings, please call…just kidding!

These pictures I posted aren’t worth giving a whole blog to, but definitely worth sharing.

Today was the first significant rain we’ve had since I moved here. I am so thankful that my car got a rinse of all of the pollen residue. I’m praying that mold spores don’t spike as a result. P.S. I went Tuesday and Wednesday with no Walmart run!!! Glory!

This is my favorite out of place sign. This store is unsurprisingly closed. I can only imagine what it was. My assumption is it was a Scottish store and they specialized in bag pipes. Lol! Its a wonder they went out of business in Hamilton right?

My neighbors! I heart them! Do you see the baby one? Don’t worry you’ll be properly introduced on another day :-)

That’s right!! The way you roll in the south is to take your trailer bed to Sonic.

The right kind of crimson!!! I came home the other day and found this on my bathroom sink. Apparently my best friend round it in her stuff. BOOMER SOONER!!! Take that “Roll Tide Roll” :-P

This is one of the two occasions at Walmart where someone else’s shopping list ends up with me. Bizarre.