Cardboard Karl ;)
Author Archives: Bailey Kuert
Day 2- Tuesday Elections
Well what a day it has been and it isn’t over yet. Today was an election day in Alabama. Here in Hamilton, they voted on a new judge for our county. I had seen life size cardboard cutouts of a man named Karl Byrd who was running for probate judge. After work today, I noticed a corner donut store with several cut outs and blue balloons. I decided I’d drive up. As I got out of my vehicle, I engaged in conversation with the two gentlemen out front. As I introduced myself I realized one of them was none other than Karl Byrd. I was introduced to the man next to him, who was his father. Karl has lived in Hamilton for 43 of his 44 years. He was a very kind man and I spoke some blessings over him. I was invited inside for coffee& donuts, but declined an invitation for 6pm caffeine &gluten/sugar shock :-) I took a picture with his cutout at another location but I was too embarrassed after not recognizing him to ask for one in person. A friend saw me on the street corner and proceeded to shout out through Twitter that I was cutting deals to get donuts! This made me laugh and further prove how small of a town I am in. I’m used to running into people I know almost everywhere in Tulsa, but this is different.
I came home to the neighborhood girls playing games and witnessed a strong leader in the making. One of the girls was instructing all of the others on what appears to be an aerobics /yoga attempt. Regardless their endeavor I was impressed with the leadership the young 8-10year old girl displayed. I secretly encouraged her in my heart.
Earlier today I got to take a scenic drive with some women I’m on staff with to Winnfield, Alabama. We went to lunch to celebrate a co worker as it is her last week employed with us. We ate at a cute restaurant and cafe called, “Aroma”. It was darling! The mayor of the town’s wife owns and manages the restaurant (remember small town life). We enjoyed the fun atmosphere and cute shops in town.
I never knew small town life could be so full of new adventures. There are many more things to write in the days ahead. Who knows what stories tomorrow will hold. Wilbur the pig? My favorite boutique? Stay tuned…:-)
This is where I live right now in Hamilton, Alabama. I am simply following the next step I feel God has for me. I just moved here a week ago and am in a little bit of culture shock. My 30day Blogrimage is dedicated to small town life in Alabama. Join me as I comment on this new journey of exploring life in Hamilton. I already have numerous things to share on this new culture from pogo stick jumping neighbors to cows by dumpsters. Stay tuned…