Category Archives: Kuert Life

Day 12–Words in RED–Alone

But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Luke 5:15-16

These aren’t “words in RED” per say, however this text comes in between a lot of words in red;) I really felt ministered to tonight as I studied out Jesus’ alone times and then loneliness in scripture. There are many points made from the scriptures of how Jesus would retreat alone to pray and how it should be an example of how our pray lives should be. I agree with those teachings and I know that we must focus on the audience of One like Jesus did.

Tonight however, as this scripture came alive to me, I thought about the difference between Jesus in a crowd and Jesus with His Father. He was in crowds all of the time. He had men that followed Him and learned from Him often. Miracles and signs and wonders were performed constantly. Those who He discipled and who knew Him intimately on earth still didn’t know Him like His father did.

While I’m sure Jesus was off praying glorious prayers for mankind at times, sometimes I wonder if in the fully man state, He cried out to God with raw emotions. We see in the garden of Gethsemane this type of agonizing prayers, but what about the day to day? Did He retreat and say,”Father, no one quite understands me here” or “why do I have to keep explaining myself? Why doesn’t anyone understand the kingdom of God?”. I don’t mean to imply that Jesus was complaining, but I do think He could relate to the Father in a way He couldn’t with anyone else.

No matter how close we are with someone else, they’ll never fully understand us or our lives. Even those who live in our home. The Bible is full of accounts of people feeling lonely or misunderstood. Lev 13:46 clearly commands that if someone has an infection they must live alone. 1Tim 5:5 talks about how widows have needs. Jeremiah sat alone because he gave a critical message from God. Elijah felt so alone that he wanted to die (1 Kings 19). We knew from the prophecy in Isaiah 53:3 that Jesus would become a man “despised and rejected by men”.

While being misunderstood or feeling lonely will look different person to person, we can find peace that Jesus identifies with where we are. Not only does He identify with that, but He showed us the best thing to do and that is to go to our Father in Heaven. Only there will we find the strength to face others in our lives with the love and confidence in who we are as sons and daughters of God.

Day 12–Words in RED–Only Believe

“While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”” Mark 5:35-36

Here we have someone seeking Jesus and others telling him not to bother or trouble Jesus. Often I have heard of words similar to this that have discouraged people from coming to Jesus. They are given harsh statements by others such as, “Jesus would never forgive what you’ve done!”, “You want to go to a church?! Watch our for lightening!” and various other remarks that keep them from walking in faith.

I once had someone ask me to pray for them and their words continue to stick with me. They remarked how they could pray to God for their spouse and kids, but didn’t think that He thought about or cared about their problems. Somehow praying for others was the right thing to do and somewhere along the line praying for yourself was selfish. I watched tears pour down their face as I prayed and shared how God wanted a personal relationship with them and that part of that was being able to pour out His love and goodness and be with us in hard times.

I think of these words in red today, “Do not fear, only believe”. I wonder how many people are bound in fear instead of experiencing freedom and peace in coming to Jesus. There are many things that can keep us back from just believing His words and living our lives for Him.

What is holding you back from believing today? Maybe you’re one step away from an answered prayer and another’s words have sought to deter you. I encourage you with these words today, have faith, seek Jesus! If you only believe, you too can see faith made sight like this ruler who later saw his daughter live!

Day 11–Words in RED–Father I Desire

“Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.” John 17:24

In light of Father’s Day, I thought I would find some words in red of our loving Savior talking to His father. These happens to be some of my favorite words in scripture. Jesus prays these words to His father right before He is betrayed by Judas and delivered over to the soldiers.

“Father I desire…” I once heard someone preach that those three words could be meditated on for months and you’d never exhaust the revelation of love. When you read the whole verse in context, it can certainly display a great love. Jesus has desire that those who belong to Him would be with Him forever and partake of the glory of fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the same way. It’s so powerful to see His free will here. He wasn’t praying a robotic pre-programmed prayer. He had desire for us. He had desire that we would be saved eternally. He had desire to get up from this prayer and give His life away so that we could be joined to Him. Wow!

I desire to be with Him not just in the eternity to come, but even now. I desire to have fellowship with His Holy Spirit today and to walk in all that He has for me. I desire that my desires would be His desires. I desire to know His love more fully and to embrace His love.

“Father I desire…”

Day 10–Words in RED–Just Do It

“But he answered them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.””Luke 8:21

Going off of yesterday’s entry of how we know that we are His because we hear His words, this scripture is a great follow up. In this passage of Luke’s account, we see Jesus’ natural family coming to see Him while he spoke to a crowd. He is informed that they want to see Him and that is His reply. It seems a little harsh, but Jesus was considering the eternal here. I think that the Nike’s slogan comes in very fitting here, “Just do it!”

We are His true family when we hear His instructions and obey them. It’s one thing to hear something. No doubt Mary, Joseph, and any siblings would’ve heard many clear things from the Son of God Himself, yet hearing isn’t the end all. We must obey. The word of God tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice in 1 Samuel 15:22.

It’s one thing if we hear the word of God, but it’s another thing to be moved to action. We can go to conferences, great church services, hear podcasts, and even hear our husband preach (oh wait I was thinking of myself;) ) and yet not do anything with the word that we received. Let’s be those that Jesus sees listening and doing His words. Let’s be brothers and sisters of the words in red.

Have a great Sunday tomorrow—hear and obey! This could look as simple as writing down 2-3 things you got out of the sermon. Pray about them and maybe even discuss with a friend or family member. Figure out a practical way you can walk out the application of the word.

Day 9–Words in RED-Hearing

“Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”” John 8:43, 47

Last night Stephen and I were talking a walk outside. We stood still for a while as we talked. It was dusk and only a little light around us. I kept seeing a black thing darting around. For the longest time I couldn’t make it out with my eyes and thought maybe I was seeing something. One time Stephen asked what I was making a face about and I thought what I was seeing was a bat, but I decided against it and told him maybe a bird. A few minutes later we both saw it. Indeed it was a bat! Eeeeeek! It then zipped right above our heads barely missing Stephen’s 6’3 frame. Amazed by it’s speed and agility, I remembered that bats might be blind, but their incredible sonar hearing has the ability to guide them. I began researching the levels of frequency they can emit and other “bat facts” (which I don’t recommend particularly if you live in Madagascar or Europe with blood seeking bats

Day 8–Words in RED–Who do you say that I am?

“He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”” Matthew 16:15-16

If I had known what my initial “yes” to Jesus would cost me or will cost me, I wonder how much more weight it would’ve held.

When I think of the tough times behind closed doors, the misunderstandings because of my faith, the harsh words from close friends, the disappointment
of others in the body of Christ, and the lack of understanding the “why” behind God’s ways, I wonder if I would’ve said yes. When I consider the health struggles and aspects of difficulties few know about and I know my “yes” is as resolved as ever, it’s a mystery even to me.

I can find myself in similar shoes to Peter. I know what zealous and sincere love for Jesus looks and feels like. I also know what deeper and more intimate love forged through trials looks like. I know Peter’s reply here warranted a joyous response from The Lord, yet only a few verses later he is rebuked for more remarks. That must have been a whirlwind for Peter.

“Who do you say that I am?”. I’m sure these words rang deeply in Peter’s heart. He contemplated his reply and his first response utilized who other men said He was. Jesus asked again as another man’s revelation of who they suppose Him to be will never work a a substitute for who we know Him to be. This time Peter responded from his own revelation and said that Jesus Christ was the son of God.

Who do I say that Jesus is? Have I gained a clearer perspective of who He is in my life. In my sorrow, do I know that He is joy? In my pain, do I know He is healing? Does my trust run deep in trials as it does in victories?

I’ve come to learn that no matter the season, the good times and the difficult times have the potential for me to know more of Him. I look at Peter’s highs and lows and even though he denied Jesus at his death, this uneducated fisherman became a man of fire when marked by the Holy Spirit. The joy of walking with Jesus on this earth and the persecution Peter later faced because he defended Jesus produced such deep personal revelation that caused Him to say yes initially and continue to say yes until he ultimately give his life.

Who do you say that Jesus is? Do you say what other men say in that He is only a good man, a teacher, or a prophet? Or do you personally have the revelation that He is the Christ, the way the truth and the life, the Son of God?

You must know who you say that He is, for another man’s revelation will never carry a commitment to say yes to Him again and again.

Day 7–Words in RED–Lose your life

“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:35-36 

Some piercing words in red…While I don’t think it’s possible for any man to quite “gain the whole world”, one might sure die trying to. It is so simple to seek to gain a lot in this life like fame, fortune, a good name, but what will that matter at the end of our life? Jesus says here that even if we do gain the ENTIRE world, but we lose our soul, it profits nothing. All that we earn, all that we are known for, all the possessions we’ve acquired will mean nothing. Sadly, most would rather profit in this life without considering profiting eternally.

In a few discussions and reflections recently, I can see how easy it is to compromise and change who we are called to be. A friend of mine studying psychology is currently taking a class on communications. Our conversation about this class led to discussions of how in particular, teenagers are prone to change or compromise their identity to gain acceptance and popularity. This person mentioned how they’d even lied about their father’s name in school because they didn’t have a dad involved in their life. This was done all to impress others and gain their approval.

We can so easily fall prey to losing who we are and what we are called to do when we are consumed with what this world has to offer. I’ve learned that the pleasures and comforts God has to offer us are far greater than anything we could ever find on this earth. If we are giving up our lives to be spent for the sake of the name of Jesus and for the gospel, then we have an assurance that we will gain eternity with Him. Such a backwards way of thinking and it goes against the grain of modern thinking. We lose our life to find it. We give up our life to save it.

It’s time to consider our profits and savings so to speak. What are we holding onto? What are we seeking after? What will be saved in eternity when all our earthly things are left behind? What will Jesus say of our lives? Will He even know us?

Day 6–Words in RED–Where is Your Faith?

And they went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?” Luke 8:24-25

Here we see the story of the storm on the lake and Jesus rebuking the storm as the disciples were amazed. These are the same disciples who just witnessed Jesus bring about healing, raise the dead and now in process of crossing the lake, it’s as if they lose their faith.

I love that Jesus asked,”Where is your faith?” This question provokes my heart. Where is my faith? Is it left in a previous season? As I’m crossing over to the “other side of the lake”, am I aware that the same Holy Spirit that was with me before is with me now? When I don’t see the “miraculous” in action and I’m just “in a boat”, do I sense His nearness? When the storms are raging and I’m in an unknown situation and overcome with fear, do I realize His peace is available?

“Where is your faith?”…what a question to ask these followers of His. I believe it made them snap out of the chaos of the storm and realize, “oh ya…Jesus is with us…the same One who just raised the dead. I think we are going to be just fine”. Once they remembered WHO was with them and they saw the storm dissipate, they found their faith again and were able to move forward. On the other side of the storm/lake were other lives that needed Jesus.

Where is your faith today? Are you stuck in a storm and feel overwhelmed? Did you get into a boat with Jesus full of faith and vision and then find that you’ve left your faith on the shoreline of yesterday’s victories? Fear not. He is with you and one word from Him can calm any storm. You’re not alone and victory is on the other side.

Day 5–Words in RED–Child like love

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 

Today I got to meet two ADORABLE tow headed blue eyed little boys who live next door to the new guesthouse we are staying in. We’ve seen them at a distance a few times and can certainly hear their 3 and 4 year old voices during the day. They were playing outside and I approached them and introduced myself. They were shy for a total of ten seconds and then in great animation went on to tell me how old they were, what they did today, all about the dogs and cats around here, and the oldest made an adamant point to declare how he is OLDER than his little brother. I played with them as they rode a bike and played on their scooter. Hysterical laughter was almost contagious and they were so full of life, adventure and trust in this perfect stranger.

Their parents were a house away talking with some other people on the compound as I played with them. I tried to say goodbye to them and the youngest ran off crying because I was saying goodbye. As I followed him, the oldest boy raced his scooter into a drain cover and fell. He burst into huge tears and kept exclaiming, “owie, owie, owie!!”. I scooped him up and carried him towards his parents with his newly injure knees. As I did, he clung to my shoulder and cried and cried.

As I carried this sweet guy and thought of his younger brother’s tears, my heart was moved at how tender children can be. I love these words of Jesus and anytime He interacted with children. I can picture Him coming alive and rejoicing and understanding their pure hearts and minds. How impressionable they are, how pure they are in their love.

I want to be like that. I want to be a daughter of God who smiles up at my Daddy. Who speaks to Him with reverence but excitement to share my life and love with Him. I want to see purely and trust Him knowing that He cares for me.

Stephen always remarks at how much I love kids. I gawk at all of the sweet Kenyan school kids I’ve been seeing here everyday and want to take them with me. He assures me that would be a crime ;-) It’s just that I see such precious things when I look at them. I love their smiles and giggles when the goofy white girl waves at them. I loved how these two little boys today as precious as could be decided to make a new friend in me.

I believe that is how God sees us as His children. He loves when we come with pure faith and unhindered unadulterated love. He loves when we get excited to see Him. His heart is moved when we acknowledge Him and invite Him into our activities. When we invite Him into our daily lives even our bike riding and scooter gliding, He is able to pick us up when we fall and “scrape our knees”. I’m thankful for such a loving Father and Jesus who don’t desire that we come with high and lofty ideas of them, but welcome a reverent yet child like heart of love.

Day 4–Words in RED

As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him. Matthew 9:9

What I love about these words in red is that Jesus only said two words to Matthew and he followed. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never dived into anything from two words. I mean Stephen didn’t walk up to me and say,”marry me” and it was a done deal.

While that example might sound absurd when you consider what a commitment marriage is, the commitment these disciples made to follow Jesus was very costly. In Matthew chapter 8 we see two men who wanted to follow Jesus, but had other obligations they would rather fulfil first. They wanted to serve Jesus on their own time and convenience. And so do many of us.

Our excuses for not following Jesus can be justified in our own minds and wills. Matthew knew in a moment that Jesus’ love was worth forsaking all else instantly. His yes to Jesus would prove to cost him everything on this side, but gained him an earthly discipleship and eternity with Jesus.

I want to rise up like Matthew and seek Him. I want to respond when Jesus says,”Bailey, follow me”. I don’t want to be torn with what I’m currently doing to ignore Him when He asks me to follow. Truth is that Jesus has already asked me to follow Him, to choose Him. Those are some other words in red ;) Today I want to focus on what it would look like to follow Him. To follow Him on a daily basis. To not wake up everyday assuming that what He said yesterday applies to today. To not presume that the way I found His presence before is how I’ll find Him again. I want to be flexible to lay down all of my agendas to follow Him. I want a heart of love that obeys.

Matthew traded in what anyone can do and gained what very very few got to do in following the Son of God during His earthly ministry. I believe his rising to the occasion to follow Jesus was worth it.

What are you following?

“We will be lay down lovers…we want to go where nobody has gone before. We want to do what nobody’s done before…”