Day #18 Smelly Grass, Swords, & a Steak Dinner

Today started off with STRONG odors of onions as seemingly everyone’s property around my office was mowing their lawns. I forgot to mention yesterday that there is onion grass here. That is the main cause of the odor. I think all of my neighbors have onion grass except for…Mr. Perfect Lawn who was mowing his yard AGAIN today!! Yes he did just mow two days ago. Also his neighbor set out signs today telling people that she had a Garage Sale to attempt to sell the items left over from the Tuesday sale that were left over from the previous Friday sale. This did not seem to be so helpful as the signs were gone by the time I took lunch. Bless her heart! I just want to go and buy all of her stuff but not really.

I had a busy day and wasn’t feeling the greatest, but it was full of smiles.  I helped pack some swords at our office today because we are moving out of there soon. This is completely unrelated to all things small town, but quite epic! I uploaded a picture so you could see a before shot. I am now a self-proclaimed professional packer of swords just so you know! I have two lovely assistants that are quite excellent too! When my oldest brother got married a couple of summers ago, he bought all of his groomsmen William Wallace replica swords. It was absolutely hysterical! I’m not sure why swords unlock this unexplainable passion inside all people, but it’s quite fun to watch. The largest sword we had in the office was taller than the other 3 women in the office! Being women who clearly have not fought in war recently, we could not understand how someone could carry that let alone kill anyone with it. If I had to go into battle back in the days that people used swords, I would have taken a horse and a strong steak knife! Onward!…Don’t worry, I hate killing flies I wouldn’t really fight. 

Speaking of steak knives…due to my playing…I mean packing swords this afternoon, I played with my steak knife at dinner tonight. My best friend and I went to Tupelo Mississippi for dinner tonight! It was such a great evening and it was refreshing to get out of town. Driving down the main strip there made me feel compelled to stop everywhere! At one point I exclaimed “JoAnn Fabric!!! I feel like just because I see it I need to go there and I would never need to go to a fabric store!” As much as I would like to say that I am Proverbs 31 woman walking and I make all my own clothes, I do NOT sew…even buttons. Maybe one day I will need to legitimately go to JoAnn’s store. I am so exhausted and ready to get packing for AFRICA this weekend wooooooo hooooooo!!! I can’t even count down the days (which I do know is a week from tomorrow) because it will make me too anxious.

No dog stories, no cow stories, no Walmart runs, and no killing of crane flies today people! I did however notice that there is NOT much room in that blue shed on the farm. SO the mystery of the Noah Shed on the farm continues. I am hoping for a good rain shower tomorrow that is in the forecast. I LOVE a peaceful rain and with the horrible drought last summer in Tulsa, I was so deprived.