Day 5-Dog Bite

Remember my introduction to Coco from a couple of days ago? Well he bit me today!! He is a puppy so it didn’t hurt but it shocked me and snagged my jeans a little bit. When the neighbor drove by and saw Coco she apologized for him getting out and coming over. She told me if he misbehaved to roll a newspaper up and smack him. I shouted to her that he had bit me and her response was that he was just playing. It was a little odd to me to be so casual about your dog roaming around and biting a friend of your neighbors. Anyways another difference of the south I guess :-)

I’m going to bed early due to the allergy attack I had this morning. The trees look beautiful but they are certainly dusting the town with pollen. Tulsa has a lot of allergens and I’ve always had problems in the Spring, but being in a more deciduous place I’m not used to the tree pollen. There is also a significant amount of bumble bees and wasps here in Hamilton. Additionally I’ve had numerous bug stories since I moved here. I’ll have to incorporate some in the days ahead.

Walmart count for today was just one for a work errand. Although I needed to go and return a few items. I’ll have to make one of my daily trips tomorrow! I’m probably traveling some in state this weekend so I will blog more soon!!