Hurt (Part 3 of 3)

This week as we’ve discussed this topic of “Hurt”, we’ve mentioned how our own hurt effects many areas of our lives if left not dealt with. One main area mentioned is that hurt we’ve personally experienced can hinder God’s plan for healthy relationships. Today I want to encourage you that no matter what you’ve faced, God desires to be near and heal your wounds.

About six years ago I got violently ill from a trip to Cambodia. This unfortunately turned into a cycle of my immune system fighting for several years. However I knew that God had called me on that trip and stood on His word of healing. During the time I was sick after coming home, I was encouraged by Jeremiah 30:17 which says,”For I will restore health to you AND heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord.” I took this to mean that even though I was seemingly only hurting physically that God was going to heal me in my emotions as well. This promise still stands with me today as I face any challenges.

God’s will for you is health and wholeness in every way. You can’t rewrite your past, but with the Spirit of God, you can write your future. I’ll go ahead and tell you the end of His story for you is that you are complete in Him. This is His desire. This is what the blood of Jesus paid for; that you’d have access eternally to the Father and be saved and have healing in every way.

Many well known men and women who were used by God greatly to move in healing ministries went through incredibly trying seasons in their own health. It’s interesting that through these seasons of unbelievable pain in their physical bodies, God later used them to bring physical healings into bodies in miraculous ways. These people knew that He had healed them and from that place of dependency on Him, they cooperated with His spirit and many were healed.

Can I suggest to you today that your testimony of His healing in your life can cause others to be set free? God wants you to experience freedom from your wounds not only for you, but so that others can be healed too.

I realize life is difficult and in ways we can’t understand at times. I was praying for some people recently and some of the situations these people were facing were unthinkable to me. I could never comprehend losing a parent and a spouse in a week of one another. I can’t fathom the reasons severe depression plagues some minds with horrific events like rape, rejection and abuse. Everyone has different wounds and different scabs that have formed. Some may have found victory and wholeness in Jesus already, but others are hurting deeply. All of us have continual areas we have to renew daily to God’s word and the power of Holy Spirit. There is still healing to be found for all of us.

My prayer is that you’d take time to allow His presence reveal areas where you’ve been hurt. That you’d allow Holy Spirit to do surgery on your heart, mind and emotions. That you’d release any unforgiveness, envy, anger etc. I pray as you are diligent to become healed and whole, you’d be surrounded with healthy relationships and lead other people into healing of their own through Jesus!