Welcome to My Kuert Life Blog!
My name is Bailey Kuert and I wouldn’t be a Kuert if it wasn’t for marrying my handsome husband, Stephen.We are missionaries and basically live out of suitcases and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am the founder of Kibibi Design, an artisan company empowering and benefitting women in East Africa.
I’m a fresh juice, organic eating crunchy foodie. I am constantly in search of Indian food or other ethnic dishes. My love for God is louder than my personality and talking volume combined (which is saying a lot). I snort when I laugh. I absolutely love people, and my worst nightmare would be to be isolated and never meet a new person. I fell in love with Kenya and Africa as a little Oklahoma girl and God orchestrated my life to marry a Kenyan born American with a passion for Jesus.
Traveling is like fresh air to me. I need new scenery and new experiences to recharge. While I’m quite active and adventurous, I’m the type who unwinds by solitude and being creative. Give me passion juice, a good book and the beach and all is well!
What to expect from my blog…
I tend to write real life mixed with biblical truth in my posts. I post often (provided that my internet in Africa works-ha). Sometimes I do a series like Words in Red, Making Room for Jesus and MadaMoments (based on our life in Madagascar).
I love writing to young adults and teaching on purity, missions, and devotion to Jesus.
Check out Kuert Life for blog entries and Kuert Travels for trips SK and I take!