Sue (A Thankful Heart)

The red vest and sneakers should have been a clue but I didn’t notice them at first. Stephen and I were simply walking down a hall and caught up in our own conversation. As we approached the elevator at the end of the hall, I greeted the woman standing there. Side Note: If you ever encounter me on an elevator or hallway, you’ll most likely receive a compliment or at least a charge to have a good day. This moment was no different and I could tell this woman’s heart was heavy. I noticed her shoes had a very thick high sole in the back and I made a comment a out how comfy they must be. She replied that she’s on her feet 8 hours a day and needed good support. As we entered the elevator I noticed her name tag, “Sue” and began further dialogue with her. I asked what she did for 8hours on her feet to which she replied that she was on maintenance staff at this building. I said,”oh well that makes sense to have good shoes then!” I went on to thank her for her hard work and all that she does. I watched as her countenance and posture changed. Her reply, “wow well thank you very much. No one really ever says anything like that. I only hear something if I’m doing something wrong.” My heart ached. By now we’d reached our floor and I exited the elevator with another thankful comment and blessing her to have a good day. She cheerfully but quietly went the other way.

As Stephen and I headed towards our car, he said, “Well, there’s your blog entry for the day!” My heart was heavy to communicate this principle that is HUGE on my heart: be thankful!!! Romans 1:21 says,” because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” When you aren’t thankful, your heart becomes darkened and calloused and you can not see God, yourself or others rightly. Here we had Sue who’s name was printed on her vest and name badge working hard in a position none would envy and hardly receives a simple “Thank you! Good job!” Not to mention she worked in a Christian facility. This is not to discourage anyone, but merely to give an exhortation that opportunity surrounds all of us to be more thankful!

We have to keep gratitude in our hearts, words and actions. When we don’t thank God, we can become offended or drift away. When we aren’t thankful for others we can become prideful or cynical. God desires that we be thankful so that we may walk in love and humility.

I’ve taken this lady’s name, “Sue” and broken it down as an acronym to show areas we need to guard in order to be thankful.
3 giants I believe steal thankfulness are not limited to but include;

When we think only about ourselves and our concerns, we won’t abide in God’s leadership or extend love to others.

When we aren’t thankful as we’ve already discussed, we open our lives to be full of confusion and misguided purposes forged in our own strength.

Ouch! This one hurts but it is so vital! The moment we think that we’re “better than” or “more deserving” than someone else is the moment we lose ground in our hearts and lives for Holy Spirit to move. Jesus taught strongly that this type of heart posture would get no where in the kingdom of God. When we view our our labors as more significant and worthy of compensation than those around us, we will be gravely disappointed upon learning the truth of the kingdom of God.

The scripture in Romans 1:21 is so clear that our minds become clouded and confused and we become self focused when we are not thankful. My desire is that you would recognize where you have some “Sue”s in your life. Both issues in the acronym and people who you can sincerely thank. As you do, I believe you’ll grow deeper in your love for God and walk in more joy and freedom.

*Find 3 things to thank God about daily. This shows your need for His love and lordship in your life.

*Find someone to thank everyday. This will keep humility and love flowing through your life and prevent you from isolation and cold heart.