“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6 

This scripture is very dear to my heart. I read a lot of words in red today, but couldn’t settle on something to write for today. Then through a time of worship, I knew clearly I had to share this one.

I remember people at times telling me to “calm down” as it related to my passion for Jesus. I was told sometimes that I was just young and radical and that I would outgrow my zeal. Often I was misunderstood and felt stubborn when I didn’t agree with these statements. When I was told my standards were too high or that Jesus didn’t expect me to fast and pray I often believed them. Thankfully I have had others who’ve encouraged me and lived lives of great abandon to Jesus. Yet hearing conflicting words made my heart unsettled at times. Then one day I was sitting at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and Misty Edwards was leading a devotional set. This means she was just singing worship solo with a keyboard. She had been singing some songs I am familiar with and then she went off into spontaneous song of edification. She sang words from God’s heart as if He was singing over us. The song said something to the effect, “some have said you’re stubborn. Others have told you to be calm, to be normal, to be thankful for what you have before you. Yet I’ve created you to hunger. You’re created to hunger to be filled, to be hungry to be filled, to be hungry to be filled…”

I began to weep. Up until that point, I’d restrained myself. I’d felt like there was a lid, a containment of what God had for me. That somehow I could only search His heart out to a certain extent. I could only find His presence to a degree and no more. I could only consecrate myself to a point and just be satisfied with compromise in ways. Those words broke something off of me. I received the blessing of my Father and beloved Savior that day to hunger and hunger and hunger and not be satisfied. I realized that day it’s not ok to be satisfied with the mediocrity that often comes with Christian culture and teachings. For the first time I really felt joy of The Lord to just keep seeking and consecrating myself and not feeling like I had to apologize for it.

This scripture is such an encouragement to me. Not every season looks like glorious encounters in His presence. Yet even in the dry times, if we thirst, Jesus promises we will be filled. I have had times where I spent hours and hours in His presence and in prayer. Many times I’ve been the last person to leave a service or stay up into the early morning hours with Him. I’ve never wasted a moment of my time when I’ve sought Him. It’s those times when I was so hungry and was filled that have sustained me in the difficult times and reminded me of how much I am in need of Him.

I bless you to be hungry to be filled to be hungry to be filled with His righteousness and His love for you.

“Jesus I am Yours and forever I want nothing more than to be with You.”

“Strip everything away until all I have is You. I will pursue You…”