Seeking Jesus in the New Year

We are approaching a New Year…2015. Does anyone else feel weird seeing that number already?

I feel old…

There are SO MANY things that if I sat down and was my detailed planner self that I could think of to do/improve in 2015.

I’d LOVE to say I’m going to be that lady that gives up sugar and all sugar substitutes in 2015 and writes a blog about it all year, but let me be honest with you right now…I’m not that lady and this is not that blog ;) I don’t eat excess sugar, but I feel like I NEED dark chocolate occasionally…and my husband would likely agree that I NEED it too;)

While there are some thing that I am considering and praying about working on or towards in 2015. But foremost at the end of 2015, I want to say that I am more in love with the Man I said yes to than I am right now on December 30th, 2014.

The “man” I’m referring to is not my husband Stephen, although I want to love him more too ;) I’m referring to Jesus Christ.

One of my husband’s favorite quotes is by C.T. Studd and it says, “One life twill soon be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last.”


As I’m ending this year of 2014, I have to be honest with myself and ask, “Did I love and serve Jesus well this year?”

I’ve had a crazy year filled with all kinds of fun things like typhoid and surgery in Kenya that I’d like to not repeat. I’ve done many “good things” and things “in the Name of Jesus” or “for missions work”. But I have to ask myself, did I seek Him well? Did I love Him well? Did I let Him search my heart?

If I am honest, I could have sought Him more. I was often distracted by so many things in life, mainly health issues. But other things like stress, concerns of others, “things about Him” and “works for Him”, were in front of my, but seeking Him wasn’t always first and foremost. I’m not coming down on myself or condemning anyone else who is in my boat ;) BUT I am keeping this in mind to be intentional about seeking Him in 2015.

I want to know Him more.
I want to understand His heart more.
I want to hear Him rightly.
I want to hunger for His word.
I want to lose fear in His perfect love.

I want His love to be more perfected in and through my life.

How can I do this? How can WE do this?

Here are a few thoughts that I have for seeking Jesus in 2015. While I am a huge advocate for good health, healthy relationships, wisdom in fiancee etc., I believe if we don’t have Him in first place and priority, we are lost in things that eternally don’t matter and lost sight of what matters.

Many of us want things to change in our lives, but many of us aren’t willing to PRAY things to change in our life. To me, this is where I know I can always grow and be intentional in my relationship with Jesus.

1. Prayer
I’m not talking about boring religious or uncomfortable “prayer”.
I’m talking about cultivating a relationship with the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit through speaking and listening.

What I tell people who are struggling with their prayer life to do is literally sit down with a cup of coffee like you would a friend or a counselor. Speak to Him and share your heart, ask Him questions, get to know Him. Sometimes it might feel awkward, but press through that.

Your prayer time might begin during a routine event you do everyday; like the coffee example, in the shower, blow drying your hair, your drive to work, sitting on the toilet (but seriously moms know…it’s sometimes the only quiet part of your day) :-P

Wherever/however it is or looks like, just begin it.

Do it everyday. Even if it’s while buttering your toast! Try these prayer tips;
1.Share your REAL and honest heart with Him
2.Ask Him questions and be ready to hear an answer
3.Make a prayer list if that helps. Use scriptures, personal requests for yourself and make sure to include praying for others and their prayer requests on this list.
4.Pray for the nations. A lot of people think “missions” is for those who feel called to live overseas, but I wouldn’t be willing to live overseas if I hadn’t first prayed for the nations.

Prayer is our way of being able to talk to God, hear His heart, and partner with His heart to make His word come alive in and through our lives.

My prayer is that in this new year, you would pray everyday and at the end of 2015, you’d know Him more through this aspect of your life.

Tomorrow I’ll share some thoughts on reaching others and giving of ourselves for Christ in 2015 :) Happy last day of 2014 tomorrow!!