Category Archives: Words in RED

Day 23–Words in RED–Witnesses

And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:7,8

Jesus’ last words in red to His disciples were these great words. While He has already died at Calvary, He hadn’t yet ascended to the Father. He actually spent 40 days on the Earth after resurrection which is astounding to me in itself. As He is leaving, He comforts His disciples with these words. He is sending the Holy Spirit in place of Himself. He states that they will receive POWER to be His witnesses to the ends of the Earth.

So much can be shared on this verse and the content surrounding it. I just wanted to close the words in red this month by challenging us to receive the power of Holy Spirit to be Jesus’ witnesses in the earth. Regardless of where we are and what we are called to do, we need the power of Holy Spirit to live rightly, to seek Jesus fully and to tell others of His great love.

In this day, they were going to be the first to be filled with Holy Spirit and go out with the testimony of Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead. It was important that their old selves “died” so to speak and were empowered with boldness to proclaim this truth. Many would die for their faith, but did so at the gain of many coming to know Christ. You and I are reading this today because these disciples went and shared the truth of the gospel.

In one moment we see Peter who had been full of shame and had weeks earlier rejected Christ become full of boldness and proclaim the gospel and thousands get saved! We see John who went to the foot of the cross later on become the revelator who beheld Jesus in a way no one has. It’s amazing how these men and women went from followers to bold witnesses simply by receiving Holy Spirit. They yielded themselves to Him and obeyed the words in red.

Likewise for us to become witnesses for Him, we must receive the Holy Spirit. We can’t depend on our own ability to walk out Jesus’ commands and testimony of the gospel. We must lean upon a power that is higher than ours. Holy Spirit who knows and understands the ways of God and the Son. The One who leads us and guides us in all truth. The only way we can walk in total truth and share this to the ends of the earth is abiding with the words in red and receiving the greatest gift that could be given to us. Jesus wants to abide with you and I forever. Not just in eternity, but in the here and now while we are on this earth. This world needs to hear His truth and the dark areas need His light.

Will you receive power from the Holy Spirit? Will you share the words in red with the world?


Day 22–Words in RED–Faith Without Sight

Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29

Today I had the opportunity to speak to some Kenyan youth. Their service was a panel discussion where they could ask leaders questions. I was asked at the beginning of service to close the end. I was blown away by the questions these young people asked. They asked such involved things that it was decided to continue the panel next week.

As I listened to their thoughts and questions, I formatted thoughts to close with. I thought of this verse in that we are those in the later part of the verse. We believe in Jesus even though we do not see Him. When you consider all of those who have given their lives to Jesus since His resurrection against those who physically walked with Him on the earth, it’s obvious more have believed without seeing than who believed by seeing.

I know I often want to be like Thomas, whom Jesus is addressing here. He wanted to be absolutely sure that this was truly Jesus. While I’d like to physically be with Him to know He is real, I’ve yet to have that privilege;) . Yet I have His word, His saving grace, and the testimony of His life, death and resurrection.

I have the choice to either believe or not believe the words in red. There will be moments of questions and not understanding all of the bible. Many times I’ve asked questions that the youth asked today. Often I’ve wondered why did God do this or why did God say that. While I may not always understand, I keep seeking Him. I keep taking steps towards Him. Jesus didn’t discourage Thomas’ unbelief or questions. Instead He met Thomas in the midst of uncertainty and proved who He was.

Likewise blessed are we when we believe even if we don’t see. Even if we don’t understand everything there is to know about Jesus, but we choose to believe, we are blessed. Even if we question things at times, it’s ok as long as we seek Him, His truth and His word and still believe. Jesus affirmed Thomas and drew near to his questioning heart. How much more will He draw near to is whom, “have not seen yet believed”?

“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” Proverbs 25:2

Day 21–Words in RED–Come

And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. Matthew 14:25-29

There is more to this story, but I want to focus on the first part of this story.

There are many things I’ve done in my life that I thought that I had no courage or strength for. Even the fact that I am living in Africa at the moment is beyond something I could’ve done in my own strength or good ideas. Jesus strategically beckons me to come to Him wherever He is. There are times that I am quite confined to my “boat” and my ideals. Then Jesus comes along and shows me something beyond my boat. I call out like Peter did and if I know it is in fact Him, I have empowerment to take a step.

Often we stay in our comfort zones, our ideals of who Jesus is and where He is. When we find Him and He calls out to us, we’re often afraid to step out.

How strange and bizarre it must have looked for Peter to walk on water. Can you imagine what Peter would’ve thought if he had been told a week prior that he would walk with Jesus on water? It would’ve seemed inconceivable. Yet, it’s in those odd happenings like this that we can often find our Lord. He is there on the water challenging our thinking and ways of logically following Him.

What boats are holding you captive? What are the “walking on water” experiences Jesus wants you to walk in? Are you positioned in a place to hear Him calling to you? Have you overlooked seemingly impossible scenarios because it wouldn’t make sense to find Jesus there?

Jesus tells Peter,”Take heart, it is I, don’t be afraid”. With this assurance, Peter is filled with bravery to do something that’s never been done before and meet with Jesus in a remarkable historic way.

Jesus never said following Him would be easy. Most times, our steps of faith are difficult and require leaning upon His commands. He makes us brave and able to walk on the waves of this life.

“You make me brave. You call me out beyond the shore onto the waves…”

Day 20–Words in RED–The 10 Virgins

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘ No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. Matthew 25:1-13 

This is one of my favorite passages of scripture and since today is my birthday and the date is the 25th, I thought Matthew 25 would be fitting! :-)

Since today’s passage is longer than normal, I’ll keep this short and sweet. We must obtain intimacy of known who Jesus is and His heart. We can’t go off of someone else’s relationship with Him. We must encounter Him ourselves and be on the our look for Him in all areas of our lives.

Here’s a great song I love about this passage

Day 19–Words in RED–Send Out Laborers

Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Matthew 9:38 

I felt these words in red hit my heart in a particular way in the middle of the night last night. I began to pray. As I’m watching the World Cup most evenings here in Africa, I am seeing many faces of many nations. Even traveling around in Nairobi daily, I’m interacting with wealthy and intelligent doctors as well as poor people. There are some native born Kenyans and many others from various nations. Every one a part of the harvest.

This verse is obviously close to my heart as a missionary. I see all being ones who Jesus loves, cares for and died for. I’m thankful for my experiences as a missionary even before I became a full-time one. I’m thankful I’ve traveled not for pleasure but for purpose. I’ve seen many beautiful places, but most importantly I’ve met beautiful people and watched Jesus transform their lives. It’s a real joy to serve Jesus’ heart for souls.

I grew up loving Africa and always saw myself living here one day. Once I came to know Jesus, my heart broke for the people here and around the world. I even thought I would marry a European missionary to Africa ;) As I traveled and sent teams around the world, I began to love all people and pray for the nations. I’ve cried hard over countries I may never touch foot in. I’ve prayed for people I might never meet. Then there are the ones I have met in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in Cambodia, in Dominican Republic and many more places. The ones even today I asked Jesus to send someone across a friend’s path that needs Him, and the faceless ones in Kenya whom I’ve yet to meet who need Him. Catching a glimpse of how God feels over a person and praying for them is the best feeling in the world. Partnering with God by praying for the harvest and going out to the nations is to me the greatest use of our lives even if it’s not in a full time occupational job. We are all called to pray.

God, send forth laborers into the harvest. Wake up our hearts to live for something bigger than ourselves. Show us Your heart for people. Let us be willing to go in these last days. Let us be salt and light to a world bound in fear and darkness. Let us look around us and realize that the harvest is everywhere and let us not waste any time.

Day 18–Words in RED–I Am With You Always

I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 

I am quite a people person. I absolutely love people and I could everyday around people I love and/or meeting new faces. Facebook to me isn’t just a “I’m bored” tool. I love knowing how people are doing, how many months their babies are, where they are living etc. I say all that to say that even though God gave me a strong personality and desire to be around and interact with others, I have to have my alone time. Especially when I don’t feel well, if I am around others I get drained so quickly! I quickly found out once I got married that I don’t like someone in my space all of the time ;) I like him haha, but I have to withdraw and be alone and be still. I may love talking and laughter, but I need quiet and peace too.

This scripture is especially near to my heart tonight. Never never never ever will Jesus leave us or forsake us! I am comforted by the fact that Jesus doesn’t need a coffee break from His job. He doesn’t need to withdrawal and ignore his phone, emails and millions of prayer requests for a few days. He doesn’t need to stay up late when the world is quiet and I’m off to sleep and secretly slip off duty. He is with me all day everyday. He is not obligated to be with me. Jesus delights in being with me. He desires to fill me with His Holy Spirit and guide me everyday.

He is with you as a child of God. He doesn’t want you to think that you’re ever alone. He doesn’t want you to buy into the lie that He is far away unaware and not considering your current state. This was a promise that Jesus gave to his disciples after His resurrection before He ascended to heaven. We have the joy and privilege to partner with Him everyday. We aren’t forsaken. Those who gave their lives to Him back then had the same assurance as we do now. We may not know Him in the flesh, but by the Holy Spirit we know Him and have the confidence He is with us.

Day 17–Words in RED–Blessed are those who are not offended because of me

And he answered them, “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Luke 7:22-23

What words we have here! Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist sends his disciples to inquire if Jesus is the Messiah or if they should look for another. John is in prison for a righteous standing against Herod. Of all words that could’ve been replied, this is Jesus’ reply to John.

Jesus’ reply doesn’t point to the different speculations of others about his birth, family or the unusual events of His life. All of these presented doubt in minds that the long awaited Messiah could be found in this seemingly ordinary Jewish carpenter. Jesus instead pointed to the miracles, the signs and wonders that flowed from His ministry. He confirmed that indeed He is the Son of promise, the long awaited Messiah who would deliver the people.

Jesus’ final words to John,”blessed are those who are not offended by (or because) of me” are quite intense. He is encouraging John to believe in Him and to not fall away from His faith based on other things. He is saying that He is the One and there is no need to look for another.

These word were sent back to John. While we don’t know why John sent his disciples to Jesus with these inquires, there are some good speculations. Was John shocked to now be imprisoned under Herod’s rule after standing for righteousness? Did he think Jesus would deliver him if he was truly the Messiah? Was John trying to encourage his own disciples by sending them to confirm that Jesus is the Christ? One can only speculate. Yet we can obtain so much from these words of Christ.

When we are bearing trials and tribulations, we can consider the blessing of following Christ and joining in the truth of His words. Blessed are we if we aren’t annoyed with what comes with bearing His will and words.

Many are offended with Christ back then through now and they deny Him as savior. Many are offended by His words and reject who He is. These kind often find other “gods” to worship or worship “self” as this is more comfortable and offers less offense to their flesh. Others accept Christ, but stumble upon difficulties and retreat. These people find their false ideas and unrealistic expectations of the way of the cross being destroyed and decide following Jesus isn’t worth it.

This is why Jesus’ words here are so critical, not just to His cousin John during that time but to every person now. Many speak against the words in red and try to get people to live for serving their flesh and not be held to an eternal life with Christ. If we join ourselves to Him, we must be bound to His humility and servanthood of His life and ways. May we not be offended because of His love and His ways. May we stand for His words and prepare the way for His words to transform lives like John’s life did even if that means dying to ourself and our desires.

Lord let us not stumble, fall away or be offended because of You.

Day 17–Words in RED–Blessed are those who are not offended because of me

And he answered them, “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Luke 7:22-23

What words we have here! Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist sends his disciples to inquire if Jesus is the Messiah or if they should look for another. John is in prison for a righteous standing against Herod. Of all words that could’ve been replied, this is Jesus’ reply to John.

Jesus’ reply doesn’t point to the different speculations of others about his birth, family or the unusual events of His life. All of these presented doubt in minds that the long awaited Messiah could be found in this seemingly ordinary Jewish carpenter. Jesus instead pointed to the miracles, the signs and wonders that flowed from His ministry. He confirmed that indeed He is the Son of promise, the long awaited Messiah who would deliver the people.

Jesus’ final words to John,”blessed are those who are not offended by (or because) of me” are quite intense. He is encouraging John to believe in Him and to not fall away from His faith based on other things. He is saying that He is the One and there is no need to look for another.

These word were sent back to John. While we don’t know why John sent his disciples to Jesus with these inquires, there are some good speculations. Was John shocked to now be imprisoned under Herod’s rule after standing for righteousness? Did he think Jesus would deliver him if he was truly the Messiah? Was John trying to encourage his own disciples by sending them to confirm that Jesus is the Christ? One can only speculate. Yet we can obtain so much from these words of Christ.

When we are bearing trials and tribulations, we can consider the blessing of following Christ and joining in the truth of His words. Blessed are we if we aren’t annoyed with what comes with bearing His will and words.

Many are offended with Christ back then through now and they deny Him as savior. Many are offended by His words and reject who He is. These kind often find other “gods” to worship or worship “self” as this is more comfortable and offers less offense to their flesh. Others accept Christ, but stumble upon difficulties and retreat. These people find their false ideas and unrealistic expectations of the way of the cross being destroyed and decide following Jesus isn’t worth it.

This is why Jesus’ words here are so critical, not just to His cousin John during that time but to every person now. Many speak against the words in red and try to get people to live for serving their flesh and not be held to an eternal life with Christ. If we join ourselves to Him, we must be bound to His humility and servanthood of His life and ways. May we not be offended because of His love and His ways. May we stand for His words and prepare the way for His words to transform lives like John’s life did even if that means dying to ourself and our desires.

Lord let us not stumble, fall away or be offended because of You.

Day 17–Words in RED–Blessed are those who are not offended because of me

And he answered them, “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Luke 7:22-23

What words we have here! Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist sends his disciples to inquire if Jesus is the Messiah or if they should look for another. John is in prison for a righteous standing against Herod. Of all words that could’ve been replied, this is Jesus’ reply to John.

Jesus’ reply doesn’t point to the different speculations of others about his birth, family or the unusual events of His life. All of these presented doubt in minds that the long awaited Messiah could be found in this seemingly ordinary Jewish carpenter. Jesus instead pointed to the miracles, the signs and wonders that flowed from His ministry. He confirmed that indeed He is the Son of promise, the long awaited Messiah who would deliver the people.

Jesus’ final words to John,”blessed are those who are not offended by (or because) of me” are quite intense. He is encouraging John to believe in Him and to not fall away from His faith based on other things. He is saying that He is the One and there is no need to look for another.

These word were sent back to John. While we don’t know why John sent his disciples to Jesus with these inquires, there are some good speculations. Was John shocked to now be imprisoned under Herod’s rule after standing for righteousness? Did he think Jesus would deliver him if he was truly the Messiah? Was John trying to encourage his own disciples by sending them to confirm that Jesus is the Christ? One can only speculate. Yet we can obtain so much from these words of Christ.

When we are bearing trials and tribulations, we can consider the blessing of following Christ and joining in the truth of His words. Blessed are we if we aren’t annoyed with what comes with bearing His will and words.

Many are offended with Christ back then through now and they deny Him as savior. Many are offended by His words and reject who He is. These kind often find other “gods” to worship or worship “self” as this is more comfortable and offers less offense to their flesh. Others accept Christ, but stumble upon difficulties and retreat. These people find their false ideas and unrealistic expectations of the way of the cross being destroyed and decide following Jesus isn’t worth it.

This is why Jesus’ words here are so critical, not just to His cousin John during that time but to every person now. Many speak against the words in red and try to get people to live for serving their flesh and not be held to an eternal life with Christ. If we join ourselves to Him, we must be bound to His humility and servanthood of His life and ways. May we not be offended because of His love and His ways. May we stand for His words and prepare the way for His words to transform lives like John’s life did even if that means dying to ourself and our desires.

Lord let us not stumble, fall away or be offended because of You.

Day 16–Words in RED–Jesus Wept

And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” John 11:34-35, 38-39

Today we found out why our guesthouse didn’t have any hot water and why there was hardly any water pressure. The tenants living here before us had two little adorable little boys. They’re so adorable in fact that they filled the water pump with sand;) While this has gone on since we moved in, someone came to our rescue today! He came and removed all of the rocks and did many other tasks to get the water pressure back on.

Today’s events made me think about this passage. The faith of Jesus. The humanity of Jesus. The raw emotions. With the removal of the stone guarding Lazuraus’ grave, life being called back into his body as God was glorified.

What a passage of scripture! All of John chapter 11 centers around this story of Lazuraus’ death and resurrection. It was obviously a marked moment in Jesus’ life to have such detail recorded. I love how He decided to draw near. Upon hearing that Lazuraus is dead, Jesus asks where He is laid. This shows to me that Jesus is not afraid to get near the dead things in our life. He knows that what temporarily looks dead has the opportunity to have life renewed.

While these aren’t necessarily words in red, my favorite part of this chapter is verse 35,”Jesus wept.” Sometimes Jesus is portrayed almost like a heavenly robot as if the fully man part was absent and He was only fully God operating on Earth without emotion. This verse shows His humanity, shows His brokenness and full operation of compassion. He cried and mourned over the loss of His friend. He cried over those who had lost their brother and friend.

His longing for things to be made right called forth a prayer from deep within His spirit and Lazuraus’ life was restored.

I’m thankful for the intercession of Jesus over my life. I’m thankful that He was fully God and fully man on the earth so that He experienced what we experience. I’m thankful that He speaks life to dead situations in our lives. I’m glad that Jesus wasn’t afraid of the stench of my deadness in sin and rolled away the stones that kept me locked in a tomb. He drew near and called me into eternal life with Him. Jesus loves us and desires that we walk in the fullness of all that He has for us.